Sunday 23 February 2014

My first day of uni: A bloody disaster.

After feeling pretty nervous about uni for the past few weeks, last night I was starting to get excited. I woke up this morning still nervous but ready to go. I raced out the door, got into my car and drove to the University of Tasmania and parked my car.

Where do I start…

I first realised that I had forgotten to bring any sort of paper or writing pad and had no pens. Shit. I'm always pretty organised so this annoyed me. I then found out that I had forgotten my weekly diary so I couldn't properly write down important dates. I hadn't even walked through the main gates.

Here is where the disaster began. In Hobart, Tasmania, there is the main uni campus and then there are certain faculties throughout Hobart; like the medical faculty and the fine arts. They are further in town away from the main campus. I discovered 10 minutes before my first lecture that that particular lecture was on a different campus and funnily enough, on my timetable it wasn't clearly labelled that way. I panicked. I had no time to get to that lecture which meant I had 2 hours to kill all by myself in a new school I'd barely been to before and had nothing to do but wonder around aimlessly, trying not to look like a loner.

I then had to enrol is special tutorials which was stressful in itself but I was also really tense from the mornings disaster, I then had my second lecture which was an introduction to English. I got so overwhelmed by all the books we were told we were studying and all the assignments that are coming up, I swear I almost had a panic attack right there in the lecture room.

Lunch time rolled around and I was alone again. I found some people from my old college to hang with, even though I'm not to close with them. I was desperate!

I had my last lecture which was so much better because I met some people and I actually started to look forward to studying. But because of everything that had happened earlier, my confidence was at a low and my doubt crept in and has stayed there.

My first day has not been a positive experience at all and right now, I am stressed and anxious. Uni is meant to be the start of something new and wonderful and for me, it has been shit.

To all the people out there starting and new school or uni or job etc. and has had a terrible start, you are not alone! I now have doubt as to whether I am a functioning adult and I need to move on. I am now dreading the rest of the week and really, the rest of the year. Good times, hey? :D
