Friday 27 June 2014

Tips for exams!

So for the past month, I have endured exams.

It's crap but guess what? Everyone, whether you are in high school, college or university like myself, has to go through it. Here are some helpful pointers from an old pro at exams! :D

1. Study
No brainer hey? Seriously, preparation is key to acing your exams as well as relieving stress and pressure. It's really boring and tedious but YOU NEED TO STUDY. Try to get that in your head!

2. Eat and drink well
It's very easy to slip into exam food (noodles, McDonalds and coke) but a nice healthy diet allows better sleep, a better mood and your brain to function properly.

3. Save you socialising/drinking for after
This one is tricky but try and save hanging out with friends or partying 'til after your exams have finished. You don't want your social life to distract you, however, allow yourself to have small breaks with friends so you don't get too overwhelmed.

4. Don't overstudy
Cramming is the worst thing you could possibly do...and we all do it.Take breaks, rest and stop trying to force yourself to learn everything at once.

5. If your brain won't let you study, stop.
If you can focus, take a break. If you have too much energy and don't know where to start, go for a run. Seriously, if your brain isn't letting you study then guess what? You aren't in the right state of mind. Don't feel guilty about taking breaks from study, it's absolutely vital!

6. Study with friends
Best way to study ever. Studying in a group is great as it helps you understand the information you are meant to be studying a lot easier and it relieves the pressure. Remember, all of your peers are going through the same stress as you. You are not alone!

7. Find a study plan that suits you
Whether it's making flash cards, writing lists or drawing diagrams, find a study method that works for you. Try different ways and mix it up, otherwise reading becomes so boring!

8. Don't leave your studying to the last minute
We all do it. We have all done it and will probably do it again in the future. Leaving studying to the night before creates a mind-blowing level of stress and you don't learn anything. Rather than cram it all in in one go, spread your studying out over a week. That way, you will be more relaxed and will absorb the information properly.

9.  Get tested by your family
Once you have revised your notes, get a family member or friend to test you. I always do this and it honestly is the best way to memorise facts, terms, dates and just general information. It makes you realise how much you really do know (which is always reasurring) and if you get stuck, talking about what you are studying helps it all make sense in your brain.

10. If you aren't sure what to study, ask your teacher
If you sit down and are ready to study and haven't got a clue what to revise, email/call your teacher. Don't have a panic attack and stress, just ask. That is what they are there for - it's their job! Also, look at old exam papers (if you can), ask anyone who has already taken that subject in the past, book an appointment with a teacher and just ask for help.

11. Set realistic goals and aims
By this, I mean don't say to yourself, "tomorrow I am going to study for 10 hours straight" because we all know that will never happen. Study in 1 hour blocks with 15 minute breaks in between (or what ever way works for you) and set study goals that are realistic - don't lie to yourself! Also, with your results, the main goal is to pass and don't be disappointed if you get anything lower than an A. Achieve the very best you can, aim for results that are realistic and make the effort to achieve them.

12. Essentials to bring with you
In an exam, you need to bring the following things (if you are allowed):

  • Drink bottle full of water (label removed)
  • Multiple pens. Bring 3 or 4 because you never know.
  • Lip balm
  • Student ID
  • A jumper just in case it's freezing but wear a t-shirt underneath just in case it's boiling hot.
  • A packet of tissues
These are my tips on studying and exam preparation. Remember to breathe, relax and focus. Exams are vital in achieve grades but remember, exams are such a tiny part of your life. As hard as it is to believe, they don't last forever and once they are over, it's the best feeling in the world. Good luck!
