Thursday 30 May 2013

Happiness, confidence and learning to love yourself.

Hey! So I've decided to post about a really personal issue that has plagued me for most of my teenage life.

Feeling insecure.

In primary school, I was happy, carefree and had no real self awareness. But then I started high school and all that changed. I felt weird, self conscious, fat, ugly, all the things most teenagers feel. I actually remember the moment in year 7 when I became aware of my own being. But why? Through college, I was more mature but feeling self conscious made me feel shy around popular people and especially, boys. Around my friends, I felt inferior and worthless. Why did I matter? Who would want to date me or value me? I felt small and insignificant.

This post is for all you girls, boys, men and women out there that feel these feelings every day. It all starts with comparison. We compare what we have/don't have to others and that results in us feeling insecure. Why do we feel that way? Every single person in the world is worth everything and more. You are no exception. There is only one of you in this world and you need to make the most of the beauty and individuality that you have. Time is short people.

I craved confidence through school. I wanted to be myself so bad but this stupid part of me always felt like I was holding half of myself back. Finding confidence is so hard and I'm getting there. Confidence doesn't always mean out going. It's having that trust in yourself that what you're doing and saying is reflecting who you are. After leaving school, I feel so much more confident and I'm still growing! I've discovered that I have a voice. You do as well. Being shy is ok, trust me. But don't let it ever hold you back from opportunities or people. Push yourself outside of your comfort zone. It is so worth it! Say yes to opportunities, even if it feels out of your depth. And smile! It's the most beautiful thing you have.

We all deserve it. It's magical and can be found by the most simplest things. The tricky thing is finding what makes you happy! It takes time but eventually you will find the thing or even person that makes you completely happy. Hell, I'm still trying to find my passion! But I find happiness in staying positive and acknowledging what I have rather than feel shit about the things I don't have. I also have my little things like family, friends and stuff I'm interested in like beauty products, writing and singing that make me feel happy and feel like me! Right now, think of the things about yourself and life that make you feel sad. Guess what? You have a roof over your head and food in the fridge. You are richer than 3 quarters of the population. You know what else? You are loved. It may not feel like it at times but you are. Please don't take it for granted :)

How to love yourself
First thing's first: acceptance. Your flaws make you who you are and without them, you would be generic and boring. Accepting these flaws also takes time and patience. In high school, I hated my thick hair, freckly pale skin and my face shape. But now, I adore my hair, embrace my skin and have accepted that my face is the just the way it is. Your body and personality is yours. Own it! Do things that make you feel warm and fuzzy and give yourself a hug. Stop being so harsh on the poor thing.

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't clinically depressed or had no friends! I had loads of fun in school and my friends are beautiful people. But these issues are so relevant to teenagers everywhere and I wanted to share my own experiences while trying to convince you that you matter and that you don't deserve to ever feel like you don't. It takes time. You maybe be feeling crappy and worthless now but in the future you will grow and learn to love who you are without letting insecurity take over. Have faith and soon you will shine bright like a diamond (channelling Rihanna hahaha). You are strong. You are beautiful. You are worth it. Now believe it!


Sunday 19 May 2013

My pamper evenings.

I just love love love my beauty nights. I believe at least one solid pamper evening a week can keep you sane and refreshed, I couldn't function without them! Over the past few years I have really perfected my pampering to suit my tastes, skin and loves and id love to share them with you. 

First thing, I run a steaming hot bath. This is key for relaxing and the steam is perfect for opening pores and rejuvenating skin. I take off all my make up and pull my hair off my face. I then sprinkle body milk powder from the Body Shop which smells beautiful and leaves your skin smooth and silky! I then drop a bath bomb in the water and squirt whatever shower gel I feel like (Body Shop of course) to create sweet smelling bubbles. I light candles, turn on some music and start to relax. 

When the bath is full and ready, I love to put on a face mask. I like peeling masks bit I adore warm masks that don't harden and clean your skin thoroughly. 

One in the bath, it's lovely to wash, exfoliate and feel relaxed. I always shave my legs and do a bit of personal grooming ;)

Side note for girls: after you have been in the bath for a while, exfoliate and get waxing! 

I sometimes pluck my eyebrows, sing, read and just lie there. This is girl time, time to think about your life, your issues and what you want for the future. Deep thoughts about life. 

I take off the face mask with cold water when I feel like it and then hop out. I put on comfy, clean pjs, moisturize my face and run body butter into my legs and arms. To end the evening, hop into bed and watch your favourite girl movie. I suggest Titanic, Moulin Rouge or Dirty Dancing. Anything you love! 

I always feel so clean and refreshed after these nights. I use body products that I love at the moment and switch off my phone so I can focus on myself, something that doesn't really happen during the rest of the week when work gets in the way. 

Please follow any tips I share! And make sure you take time to pamper yourself because you deserve it :)


Tuesday 7 May 2013

Two amazing homemade beauty recipes!

Nothing makes me happier than natural, home made beauty! I love it, especially as I have rather delicate skin. I find home made beauty products work just as well if not better than shop bought products. Here are my favourite two!

Oil sugar scrub

Brown sugar
Olive oil

How to:
Get a small bowl and mix a tablespoon of brown sugar with a decent amount of olive oil until runny. Squeeze a tiny bit of lemon juice in and mix! Place it in your shower and use it all over your body, face and hair (only if your hair is exceptionally dry). Moisturise straight after.

What it does:
The brown sugar exfoliates your skin beautifully and is gentle but still harsh enough to get rid of the dry skin. The olive oil is a natural moisturiser and cleanser and will leave your skin feeling smooth and fresh. Lemon juice is so refreshing for the skin and smells yummy! This is perfect for when your skin gets a bit dry and bumpy, perfect for sensitive skin.

Banana face mask

Half a banana
Olive oil
Rolled oats
Natural yogurt

How to:
Mash half a banana in a bowel while mixing it with a tsp of olive oil. Grab a handful of rolled oats and mix in with the banana and oil. Add yogurt in while squeezing lemon juice and mix the whole thing together. Wash you face, use toner and then spread as much face mask on as you wish! Use on you face, neck, chest, where ever you need to. Cut two round slices of cucumber and put on your eyes to freshen them up. Leave it on for as long as you want. I sometimes watch an episode of something on TV or read! Wash off and moisturise straight away.

What it does:
Banana (as we all know) works brilliantly for your skin and mixing it with yogurt will moisturise and cleanse while putting vital nutrients into the skin. Rolled oats exfoliate your skin gently while the oil and lemon provide the skin with moisture and vitamins. I love this recipe and you can use the face mask as often as you want!

These are my two top recipes that are gentle and natural. The quanty of ingrediants vary depending on your skin typer and personal preferences. Enjoy!
