Sunday 19 May 2013

My pamper evenings.

I just love love love my beauty nights. I believe at least one solid pamper evening a week can keep you sane and refreshed, I couldn't function without them! Over the past few years I have really perfected my pampering to suit my tastes, skin and loves and id love to share them with you. 

First thing, I run a steaming hot bath. This is key for relaxing and the steam is perfect for opening pores and rejuvenating skin. I take off all my make up and pull my hair off my face. I then sprinkle body milk powder from the Body Shop which smells beautiful and leaves your skin smooth and silky! I then drop a bath bomb in the water and squirt whatever shower gel I feel like (Body Shop of course) to create sweet smelling bubbles. I light candles, turn on some music and start to relax. 

When the bath is full and ready, I love to put on a face mask. I like peeling masks bit I adore warm masks that don't harden and clean your skin thoroughly. 

One in the bath, it's lovely to wash, exfoliate and feel relaxed. I always shave my legs and do a bit of personal grooming ;)

Side note for girls: after you have been in the bath for a while, exfoliate and get waxing! 

I sometimes pluck my eyebrows, sing, read and just lie there. This is girl time, time to think about your life, your issues and what you want for the future. Deep thoughts about life. 

I take off the face mask with cold water when I feel like it and then hop out. I put on comfy, clean pjs, moisturize my face and run body butter into my legs and arms. To end the evening, hop into bed and watch your favourite girl movie. I suggest Titanic, Moulin Rouge or Dirty Dancing. Anything you love! 

I always feel so clean and refreshed after these nights. I use body products that I love at the moment and switch off my phone so I can focus on myself, something that doesn't really happen during the rest of the week when work gets in the way. 

Please follow any tips I share! And make sure you take time to pamper yourself because you deserve it :)


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