Tuesday 5 November 2013

Physical and emotional detox days.

You know when you wake up and just feel blah. For no real reason, you feel tired, sluggish, ugly and fat and are so not ready to take on the world. Maybe you have been working like crazy or have been pretty stressed and you feel tense and wound up.

This is when you need to do a physical and emotional detox and this is my little guide to refreshing your body and mind.

1. Food.
Today you need to keep your meals light, healthy but still super yummy. You need to get rid of the bloated feeling you have and feeling nice on the inside is the first step. Breakfast ideas include smoothies, bran and porridge. Also, drink plenty of water during the day to flush out toxins and add wedges of lemon to really cleanse your body. For lunch and dinner, stick to vegetables and foods that won't weigh you down and make you feel gross.

2. Exercise.
Get up and moving! Take a nice long walk to get plenty of oxygen to your organs as well as clearing your mind. Stretching, yoga and doing mini workouts feel amazing on days like these; plus you feel good about getting exercise which is aways a confidence boost!

3. Beauty.
There really is nothing like having a full bath or shower where you pamper yourself and do a thorough clean. Wash you hair using a clarifying shampoo, use a deep conditioner, shave your legs and under your arms (essential), cleanse your face, wash using a sweet smelling shower lotion and finish by moisturising your whole body. Voila! Clean, silky and smooth is the best feeling.

4. Environment
You can't possibly have a cleansing day if your house/bedroom is upside down and you feel trapped in mess! Tidy up, change your sheets on your bed, open all the windows for fresh air and even rearrange some furniture if you feel you need a change. If we are stuck in a boring routine or are living in the same boring space, you will feel bored on the inside too. Clean house equals a clean mind.

5. Entertainment
By this time, you are ready to settle down and have some serious YOU time. Pick up an all time favourite book, watch your classic movies (crappy chick flicks and rom-coms) and bunk down with your favourite TV show cast (mine are the girls from Sex and the City and the guys from Friends). I also suggest flipping through girly magazines or calling a friend and having good bitch about the world. All of these things allows you to really enjoy your time to yourself and if you have followed all the previous steps, you should be feeling cleansed and back to normal.

Let's face it, we all get to a stage where we feel tired, bloated, annoyed with life and generally sick of the normal routine we all fall into. Having a detox day is simply essential for survival. Not only do you need to detox your body, you have to cleanse your mind too. I know I'm in need of one of these days when I start to feel a bit self conscious and tense inside and my skin is breaking out. I also know If I need a detox if my tummy is bloated and I want go kill everyone at work!

Side note: the reason I posted this is obviously because I am need of one of these days!


Monday 4 November 2013

Why are we here?

So being a 19 year old girl, I think about life a lot.

Why are we here and what is it all for? What is the purpose of living? Are we wasting time? What time is there to waste?

Adults, right. They get up in the morning, go to work, come home, have dinner, go to bed and then do it all again the next day. Why? To earn money. But why? What will this lead to?

Happiness? No, plenty of millionaires suffer depression.
Fulfilment? No, otherwise why do we all want more than we have?

I clearly have a lot of questions. Sometimes, it's hard trying to work out what you want to do with your life when you really don't know why you are here in the first place. Being an atheist, I don't really believe in heaven and hell. Although I'm not completely ruling that out...

When we die, do we float up into the clouds and greet God at the gates? Are we dragged down into the fiery pits of hell? Are we re-incarnated into a goat or a fish or something? Or are we just reborn and the circle just continues and continues?

Are we here just to love? Everyone seeks a soul mate to spend their life with (well, most people do) and many want kids and grand kids etc. But is that what we are really here for? We have kids so then they can have kids so then they can too and it just continues?

I sometimes think about what happens when we die. But what I think about more is if I'll be remembered. That scares me more than anything; that I'll just become a grave stone that people walk past without giving a thought about who is under there. Compared to the amount of dead people on earth, the number of living people is so tiny. Yet we hardily know anything about our great-grandparents and their great-grandparents and our own personal history.

Scary stuff, hey? Maybe when we die, we discover what it is all for and that is the reward we get. And ghosts appear when the person isn't ready to be told.
