Thursday 17 October 2013


Beauty. The one thing universally wished for. Most people in the western world wish for the stereotypical features that make someone "beautiful"; i.e. tall, slim, bright eyes, small nose, tan skin, big lips, beautiful luscious hair etc etc etc. But do these features really make someone beautiful?

Take Carrie from Sex and the City (Sarah Jessica Parker for all you non SATC fans). Her nose is huge, her eyes are too small, her face is long and skinny like a horse and her hair is crazy. Yet she is known for being so beautiful and stylish. And she is! I think she is stunning even though she possesses no typical features of beauty. So is beauty more than the bits and pieces we can see?

Of course it is. Beauty is so much more than the features you possess. It is the way you walk. The way you talk. Your presence, stride and the way you hold yourself. It's how you enhance your best features while accepting your flaws. And most importantly, its the person within that truly makes you beautiful.

Now when people say, "I never judge on appearances. Personality is the only thing I value", they are deluding themselves. It is natural for human beings to judge appearances as we do it sub-consciously all the time. And in order to be attracted to someone emotionally, you have to be attracted to them physically too. But when the physical attributes of a person outweighs their personality, then there is a problem.

I personally value beauty, both inside and out. Why not value both?! Both should be celebrated and cherished; especially since the inner beauty of someone can effect your perception of their outer beauty.


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