Wednesday 25 December 2013


It's Christmas night and I have had a pretty great Christmas this year! My absolute favourite thing about this time of year is the fact that you get to spend the day with family that you hardly see throughout the year. It is such a magical time and only happens once a year which makes it special. Since I live in Australia, it is summer and today was a beautiful day (we even went swimming). There are however the really crap parts of Christmas too that we all have to put up with but you shouldn't dwell on those things because the great and magical aspects if Christmas outweigh the shitty parts. This is how my Christmas went….

My sister and I got out of bed at 5:15am (I will mention I am 19 years old) and opened all our presents. Is there any better feeling then receiving and giving presents? We then got ready and headed over to spend lunch with my mum's side of the family. It was outside, open, summery and really relaxed. I find it so easy to just chill and be myself around mum's side and we went swimming after lunch which was amazing. Although, you know how every single family has that one family member who you find really difficult or you just can't stand them? Well I have an aunt who is all this and then some. And guess who had to sit next to her during lunch? ME! But I took deep breaths, gritted my teeth and went to my happy place (by that, I mean start drinking). But never the less, when I spend Christmas with this side of the family, it is aways relaxed and embodies a traditional Australian summer Christmas which I love.

We then headed over to Dad's side of the family for dinner. Now, I've never really felt comfortable around this side of the family and I don't really know why. I think I'm just not as close to the family members as I am on Mum's side. For me, it's a very stereotypical Christmas that you hear people complain about all the time; feeling trapped in a room full of people you don't really want to be around, uncles cracking dirty jokes at the table, my aunt who did not shut up about herself for the whole time we were there and having the feeling like Christmas will never end.

But despite the bad parts of Christmas, it really is my favourite time of the year. When is there another time where having two servings of dessert acceptable, even expected? And the build up to Christmas is so exciting and magical and the best excuse to spend a day with family. Now, as I sit here bloated, lipstick smudged knotty hair from hairspray, I type this feeling drained, tired, and relieved it's over. I hope you all had an incredible Christmas and remember that the great experiences you have at Christmas will remain treasured memories all your life.


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