Tuesday 7 January 2014

Choosing What To Study at UNI

In Australia, students around are going through the process of deciding what they want to study at UNI and I am one of them. It is starting to freak me out because all of a sudden, I have to think about my future and what I want and seriously, I'm still unsure. If you are one of the many students freaking out because of UNI this year, trust me, you are not alone.

There are so many options. This sounds great on paper but in reality, it makes choosing subjects so hard. And if you're like me and the thought of going through the process of swapping subjects makes your skin crawl then this adds pressure and stress.

But guess what? All this pressure and stress is coming from one thing….me. I put so much pressure on myself to choose the 'right' subjects and it's ridiculous. If you are putting loads of pressure on yourself, take a moment and breathe. You are choosing subjects that could potentially result in a career, not choosing a career outright and guess what? It's totally fine not knowing what you want to do. In fact it's totally normal! I'm not an ambitious, career minded person so I am going to study subjects that I love and that I'm good at. I think thinking about a career is looking far to ahead in the future and is something we need to just let happen. I know I will have a great job in the future, I just need to be patient and have trust in myself that what I am doing is right.

I'm so nervous about starting UNI because I am starting school all over again. I won't know a whole lot of people, I don't know the campus at all, the teachers are strangers and subjects at UNI are so different to highschool. But I think this change and these new challenges are going to be good for me and help me grow up a bit.

If you are starting a new school this year; whether it be UNI or high school, remember that new changes and new faces may be totally scary and nerve racking but also a chance to really challenge yourself and change for the better. You may gain friends and confidence or a great new outlook on life. This is a scary beginning but it will be to ally worth it. Good luck!


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