Wednesday 27 August 2014

My Europe travel plans.

I have booked the trip of a lifetime! 

I have wanted to visit Europe for most of my life and it is happening. It doesn't feel real, I am actually leaving Australia and going on an adventure.

I will begin where everyone else usually begins...London! I remember when I was 15 and I saw a picture of London and fell in love. Something draws me to England and I feel it is my home away from home (even though I haven't been yet!) I have strong family ties to England and I am shaking with excitement to see the beautiful country. In England, I will be going to the West End, going shopping, visiting Stone Henge and eating + drinking a lot!

Next I will go to Paris which is of course, is said to be one of the most beautiful, atmospheric and culturally unique places in the world. I will be site seeing, going to the caberet and doing really touristy things like eating Macarons and taking photos on the Eiffel Tower.

From Paris, to Rome. One word...FOOD! And the sites and culture of course. I have studied Ancient Rome in school so I have knowledge of the ruins and places I will be visiting.

Then I will be studying for 3 weeks in Florence as part of a journalism fashion course. I will be going on field trips, attending fashion events, going to lectures and just having an amazing study experience!

Then I will probably spend some time to myself in Venice. The culture is so different to Australia so I am really excited to be immersed in the beautiful place.

Then I will be travelling around eastern Europe; going to Munich, Ljubljana (Slovenia), Budapest (Hungary), Krakow (Poland), Cesky Krumlov and Prague (Czech Republic), Berlin, Amsterdam, Belgium and then back to London! 

Travelling is something I have wanted to do for a long time and I am super excited to go! I also love hearing about other people's adventures around the world :)


Sunday 3 August 2014

Finding true friends.

Is there any worse feeling then being surrounded by a group of people and feeling lonely? Or chatting with people and getting that gradual sinking feeling that they don't care what you are talking about?

True friends are diamonds, so rare a precious and can take a long time to find. But how do we negotiate through the rubble until we find these diamonds? Friends are such a vital part of your life but being around friends who are negative and put you down is worse then no friends at all.

I started university this year and I've noticed that when I hang out with some of my friends from high school, I don't feel positive, happy or completely myself. I have plenty of friends who don't make me feel this way, but never the less, people who I used to consider my 'best friends' don't make me feel that way. I used to blame myself and constantly say, "you need to be more confident" or "get over it" but now I realise that maybe it isn't my fault. Maybe it's just the way it is. People change and you change which is normal and expected. But when people change and veer into different directions, then it is time to move on.

If you are feeling this way too then you are not alone. If your friends don't make you feel included, loved or needed then you haven't found the right ones. Your people are out there somewhere, you just haven't met them yet.

Finding friends is easy. But finding true friends and best friends is complicated. When you have met a friend,  how can you tell that they are a true friend?

Some pointers to look out for:

  • If they talk about you or people behind their back.
  • If they put you down but take it further than just teasing.
  • If they don't listen to your needs, your problems or what's worrying you.
  • If deep down these people don't make you feel happy.
  • If you can relate or connect with the people around you.
Keep your eyes and ear open and be kind and friendly to everyone. If they reject you, it's their own problem, not yours. Remember that friends are made via school, university, working, travelling and through other friends so don't lose hope. And she you do find the special people, keep them tight and never let go! 


Friday 27 June 2014

Tips for exams!

So for the past month, I have endured exams.

It's crap but guess what? Everyone, whether you are in high school, college or university like myself, has to go through it. Here are some helpful pointers from an old pro at exams! :D

1. Study
No brainer hey? Seriously, preparation is key to acing your exams as well as relieving stress and pressure. It's really boring and tedious but YOU NEED TO STUDY. Try to get that in your head!

2. Eat and drink well
It's very easy to slip into exam food (noodles, McDonalds and coke) but a nice healthy diet allows better sleep, a better mood and your brain to function properly.

3. Save you socialising/drinking for after
This one is tricky but try and save hanging out with friends or partying 'til after your exams have finished. You don't want your social life to distract you, however, allow yourself to have small breaks with friends so you don't get too overwhelmed.

4. Don't overstudy
Cramming is the worst thing you could possibly do...and we all do it.Take breaks, rest and stop trying to force yourself to learn everything at once.

5. If your brain won't let you study, stop.
If you can focus, take a break. If you have too much energy and don't know where to start, go for a run. Seriously, if your brain isn't letting you study then guess what? You aren't in the right state of mind. Don't feel guilty about taking breaks from study, it's absolutely vital!

6. Study with friends
Best way to study ever. Studying in a group is great as it helps you understand the information you are meant to be studying a lot easier and it relieves the pressure. Remember, all of your peers are going through the same stress as you. You are not alone!

7. Find a study plan that suits you
Whether it's making flash cards, writing lists or drawing diagrams, find a study method that works for you. Try different ways and mix it up, otherwise reading becomes so boring!

8. Don't leave your studying to the last minute
We all do it. We have all done it and will probably do it again in the future. Leaving studying to the night before creates a mind-blowing level of stress and you don't learn anything. Rather than cram it all in in one go, spread your studying out over a week. That way, you will be more relaxed and will absorb the information properly.

9.  Get tested by your family
Once you have revised your notes, get a family member or friend to test you. I always do this and it honestly is the best way to memorise facts, terms, dates and just general information. It makes you realise how much you really do know (which is always reasurring) and if you get stuck, talking about what you are studying helps it all make sense in your brain.

10. If you aren't sure what to study, ask your teacher
If you sit down and are ready to study and haven't got a clue what to revise, email/call your teacher. Don't have a panic attack and stress, just ask. That is what they are there for - it's their job! Also, look at old exam papers (if you can), ask anyone who has already taken that subject in the past, book an appointment with a teacher and just ask for help.

11. Set realistic goals and aims
By this, I mean don't say to yourself, "tomorrow I am going to study for 10 hours straight" because we all know that will never happen. Study in 1 hour blocks with 15 minute breaks in between (or what ever way works for you) and set study goals that are realistic - don't lie to yourself! Also, with your results, the main goal is to pass and don't be disappointed if you get anything lower than an A. Achieve the very best you can, aim for results that are realistic and make the effort to achieve them.

12. Essentials to bring with you
In an exam, you need to bring the following things (if you are allowed):

  • Drink bottle full of water (label removed)
  • Multiple pens. Bring 3 or 4 because you never know.
  • Lip balm
  • Student ID
  • A jumper just in case it's freezing but wear a t-shirt underneath just in case it's boiling hot.
  • A packet of tissues
These are my tips on studying and exam preparation. Remember to breathe, relax and focus. Exams are vital in achieve grades but remember, exams are such a tiny part of your life. As hard as it is to believe, they don't last forever and once they are over, it's the best feeling in the world. Good luck!


Tuesday 25 March 2014

My top 10 skin care products for sensitive skin.

1. Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturising Lotion
My new holy grail moisturiser! Being fragrance free and hypoallergenic, it so so gentle for your skin yet thoroughly moisturises and replenishes. If you have oily skin, try the gel formula.

2. Simple Kind to Skin Replenishing Moisturiser
Like the Clinique moisturiser, this is incredibly gentle and won't irritate you skin. This one is more price friendly and you can find it at most supermarkets and chemists. 

3. Origins Drink Up Intensive Mask
If you skin if feeling dehydrated, this product is perfect for you. It absorbs right into your skin without it feeling greasy and sticky. I apply this instead of my normal moisturiser twice a week, just to give my skin a little extra boost. 

4. Philosophy Purity Cleanser
This cleanser doesn't dry out the skin and leaves it feeling fresh and clean. You can use it on your eyes as well so if you are lazy like me, you are doing two things at once!

5. Clinique Cream Cleanser
A little bit pricier than the Philosophy cleanser but definitely worth the money. Lets your skin feeling smooth and soft without feeling tight and red. 

6. Dermalogica Clear Start 
Perfect for breakouts and blackheads. If you are prone to acne and get those sore, blind pimples then this is perfect. It is designed for sensitive skin so it won't aggravate any recurring pimples. 

7. Alpha-H Balancing and Pore Refining Mask
This mask is amazing for balancing the oils on your face will cleaning out the pores. Other make tend to leave my skin feeling hot and dry but this mask doesn't at all. 

8. Palmer's Clay Mask
This clay mask is affordable gentle and really cleansing. Perfect for bath and pamper nights!

9. Bioderma
This make-up remover/cleansing water is famous among the internet beauty world. I use it before moisturising in the morning and after cleansing at night, to ensure my skin is extra clean. 

10. St Ives Green Tea Scrub
Unlike a lot of exfoliating scrubs, this one isn't too abrasive but still gets the job done. It doesn't damage your skin and leaves it feeling really clean and revitalised.

I swear by all these products listed above. My skin is dry/combination and is sensitive which makes it a little hard to find products that work without leaving my skin irritated. If your skin is oily, there are many alternatives within the same brands for you. I hope this has helped!


Sunday 2 March 2014

Worrying about being judged.

I think it's time to stop and think for a minute.

You know what I am totally sick of? Spending 98% of my time worrying and thinking about what everyone else is thinking about me. It is probably the most unnecessary, most time consuming and time wasting thing you and I do. Why should the opinion of some else define how you feel about yourself when in fact, everyone else is so focused on their own worries about the opinions of others? It is a circle of self destruction that has to stop.

We are human beings, obviously, and we want other people to like us. It's basic. It's normal. But when we feel anxiety because of a possible view some might have on us or we put pressure on ourselves because others might judge us, we can obsess over this need for acceptance. It's brutal.

Every so often, I get into a rut. I walk down a street or through the main walkway at university and all of a sudden, I am totally aware of how I walk, how I am dressed, what my hair looks like, my facial expressions etc. and I become paranoid that I look ugly and ridiculous. And when I talk to someone, whether it's a friend or a stranger, I get worried that they'll think I'm stupid or boring and whether I am worth their time.

Don't worry, I don't feel like this all the time. I have days where I feel slim and stylish and totally sociable and charismatic. But occasionally, I'll go through a bit of a self conscious phase and I obsess over my appearance, what I wear and how I act around people.

I feel everyone goes through these crappy phases. Whether it's hormonal of just our fluctuating self esteems, lets all agree that we can all feel like shit and that's totally normal. Back to my first point, I am sick of worrying about other people's judgments. I, like the rest of the world, have moments where I feel gross about myself but if we stop obsessing over what other people think, we won't feel self conscious as often which will lighten the pressure we put on ourselves.

If you can relate to any of this (if it makes sense that is), I have some advice and tips.

1. Have a mantra that you can repeat to yourself in mirror before work/school and when you feel self conscious. Say and think something like, "I am beautiful the way I am".

2. Meditate. Not only is it incredibly relaxing, it eases stress and clears your mind of negative thoughts.

3. When you are in a place full of people, stop and actually have a look at what people are doing. You haven't got millions of eyes on you and chances are everyone is focused on their own stuff. When you do see someone looking at you, smile at them. They might smile back; hopefully!

4. Get outside of that warm, fuzzy comfort zone that we all love. If you are shy, try smiling at someone. If the thought of wearing no makeup makes you feel sick, try not wearing any and realise it doesn't matter. If you aren't confident around a large group of people, try speaking up in class more. Little changes can be uncomfortable at first but totally worth it.

5. And lastly, remember that most people are feeling the same way. So talk to someone! Or remind yourself that you are unique and that a person's opinion of you should not define you.

Lets be more free and adventurous! Screw the pressure to be "perfect" and screw judgmental people. Live your life for you and only you and have fun.


Sunday 23 February 2014

My first day of uni: A bloody disaster.

After feeling pretty nervous about uni for the past few weeks, last night I was starting to get excited. I woke up this morning still nervous but ready to go. I raced out the door, got into my car and drove to the University of Tasmania and parked my car.

Where do I start…

I first realised that I had forgotten to bring any sort of paper or writing pad and had no pens. Shit. I'm always pretty organised so this annoyed me. I then found out that I had forgotten my weekly diary so I couldn't properly write down important dates. I hadn't even walked through the main gates.

Here is where the disaster began. In Hobart, Tasmania, there is the main uni campus and then there are certain faculties throughout Hobart; like the medical faculty and the fine arts. They are further in town away from the main campus. I discovered 10 minutes before my first lecture that that particular lecture was on a different campus and funnily enough, on my timetable it wasn't clearly labelled that way. I panicked. I had no time to get to that lecture which meant I had 2 hours to kill all by myself in a new school I'd barely been to before and had nothing to do but wonder around aimlessly, trying not to look like a loner.

I then had to enrol is special tutorials which was stressful in itself but I was also really tense from the mornings disaster, I then had my second lecture which was an introduction to English. I got so overwhelmed by all the books we were told we were studying and all the assignments that are coming up, I swear I almost had a panic attack right there in the lecture room.

Lunch time rolled around and I was alone again. I found some people from my old college to hang with, even though I'm not to close with them. I was desperate!

I had my last lecture which was so much better because I met some people and I actually started to look forward to studying. But because of everything that had happened earlier, my confidence was at a low and my doubt crept in and has stayed there.

My first day has not been a positive experience at all and right now, I am stressed and anxious. Uni is meant to be the start of something new and wonderful and for me, it has been shit.

To all the people out there starting and new school or uni or job etc. and has had a terrible start, you are not alone! I now have doubt as to whether I am a functioning adult and I need to move on. I am now dreading the rest of the week and really, the rest of the year. Good times, hey? :D


Sunday 26 January 2014

Getting your life into order.

Sometimes, you get to a stage in your life where you feel like you are doing a millions things at once. You think about everything that you have to get done in the next few weeks or you make so many plans that it all blurs into a haze. It's not always the big plans and the big events. For me at the moment, it's all the little things that I have to do and it stresses me out!

I can safely say that you can get all your shit into order very easily. What happens is that my brain fills up with everything that I have to do or organise and I can't see how it's all going to fit and how I will manage to not go insane.

Write a list. I swear by lists. They are my saving grace. It gets everything in your head onto paper and you can actually physically see what's happening and you realise that you can handle it. You may have a week where you need to write an assignment for school or uni, work a few shifts at your job, try to organise a party for the weekend while scheduling a few trips to the gym. You start to fill stressed and you over think. Stress is never the answer and you should never have to endure it. High stress is so bad for your health that it can eventually kill you and it sucks that we all feel it, some people on an everyday basis. I honestly try to avoid stress but if you're like me, I get anxious and stressed pretty easily and I have a few ways of dealing with it.

Exercise is a really good way for dealing with pent up stress and tension. You get blood flowing through your veins and you feel amazing, both emotionally and physically. If you don't like exercise (I don't blame you) then try yoga. Not only is it incredibly relaxing but you are doing exercise without realising it! Nothing wrong with that hey?

If none of these options work for you then I suggest talking to someone. You can get it all out of your head while having a supportive friend or relative to help you and give advice. Sometimes, all we need is someone to listen to us, especially us bitch and whine about the small things that bug us. Then, take a bath and put on a favourite movie and actually take time to stop and relax. We get so caught up in our busy lives that sometimes we forget to stop and breathe! Good luck :)


Tuesday 7 January 2014

Choosing What To Study at UNI

In Australia, students around are going through the process of deciding what they want to study at UNI and I am one of them. It is starting to freak me out because all of a sudden, I have to think about my future and what I want and seriously, I'm still unsure. If you are one of the many students freaking out because of UNI this year, trust me, you are not alone.

There are so many options. This sounds great on paper but in reality, it makes choosing subjects so hard. And if you're like me and the thought of going through the process of swapping subjects makes your skin crawl then this adds pressure and stress.

But guess what? All this pressure and stress is coming from one thing….me. I put so much pressure on myself to choose the 'right' subjects and it's ridiculous. If you are putting loads of pressure on yourself, take a moment and breathe. You are choosing subjects that could potentially result in a career, not choosing a career outright and guess what? It's totally fine not knowing what you want to do. In fact it's totally normal! I'm not an ambitious, career minded person so I am going to study subjects that I love and that I'm good at. I think thinking about a career is looking far to ahead in the future and is something we need to just let happen. I know I will have a great job in the future, I just need to be patient and have trust in myself that what I am doing is right.

I'm so nervous about starting UNI because I am starting school all over again. I won't know a whole lot of people, I don't know the campus at all, the teachers are strangers and subjects at UNI are so different to highschool. But I think this change and these new challenges are going to be good for me and help me grow up a bit.

If you are starting a new school this year; whether it be UNI or high school, remember that new changes and new faces may be totally scary and nerve racking but also a chance to really challenge yourself and change for the better. You may gain friends and confidence or a great new outlook on life. This is a scary beginning but it will be to ally worth it. Good luck!
