Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Skin care and beauty products.

I take incredibly good care of my skin and I love it. With out sounding up my self, I have pretty good skin. My skin is smooth, fresh and I hardly ever get pimples; all because I take care of it. Skin care is actually fun and with the right products that suit your skin, you will glow now and in the future.

It all started when I was in year 9. I didn't care at all (seriously barely even washed it) and my skin was dry, bumpy and blocked. I went to a class that taught me how to care for skin and it opened my eyes. I now know that to achieve beautiful skin when dolled up for a night out, it all starts with the quality of the canvas. And if you wake up with lovely skin, you will feel happy.

My favourite products to use for my body come from the Body Shop. I love the gentle soaps, scrubs, lotions and especially the beautiful body butters that are perfect for newly shaven legs! Their products are fruit based, organic, against animal testing and natural and I just love sweet smelling things! My absolute favourite scents/flavours are strawberry, grapefruit and mango, yum!

For my face for a regular day, I use Nude tinted moisturiser with an SPF 15. Tinted moisturiser is light, subtle and gives your face a fresh look; perfect for throughout the day. The best thing with Nude moisturiser is that it has lemon in it which is full of vitamins for young skin.

My foundation (L'Oreal) that is use at night, more formal occasions plus whenever I feel like it, also has an SPF. Guys, SPF is soooooo important to have in your moisturiser/foundation because if you are like me, the thought of wrinkles fills you with dread and fear and protecting your skin should be your number 1 priority. Also, red sunburn on the nose and cheeks is never a good look, right?

Before I go to bed, I remove all my make up. This is vital for fresh skin as sleeping in your make up ages your skin, no jokes. I use the brands, Olay and Simple before bed because it is perfect for slightly sensitive skin and feels light and clean. I use Simple cleanser in the showerm, wipe the make up off with Simple make up wipes, use Simple toner to get rid of any dirt and oil then use Olay Sensitive Moisturiser. When I wake up, my skin is smooth, firm and clean. Perfect! I also drink heaps of water throughout the day which works absolute wonders not just for your skin but your overall health.

So if you are reading this and thinking, "Wow I'd love to have nicer skin" then follow these tips! Essentially it comes down to removal of make-up before bed, drinking lots of water and finding the right products to suit your skin type because we are all different.


Saturday, 27 April 2013

Places I want to visit

Nothing makes me more excited than thinking about the places I want to travel to and the things I want to do there. I've never been out of Australia and travelling has always been on my to-do-list of life.

London is the place I want to live. I've been drawn to England for a while now and I want to experience a white Christmas in snowy London.

There are so many places in Europe I long to go to. I want to ride a vespa in Italy, go skiing in Switzerland, swim in the warm beaches in Greece, drinking myself stupid at Oktoberfest in Germany, party in Ibiza in Spain, receive a kiss on the Eiffel Tower in Paris as well shop at Serphora, Tarte, Gucci etc and scream THE HILLS ARE ALIIIIIIVE WITH THE SOUND OF MUSIC on the hills of Austria.

I've also wanted to go to America for a while as well, especially New York. My absolute dream is to see a show on Broadway. As a huge musical and singing fan, that would make my life complete! I'd also go and explore the fancy apartments in Manhattan and go shopping for designer clothes like I'm Carrie from Sex in the City (if I can afford it!) I'd also go to the trendy places like California and Miami while possibly making a stop as Disney Land...I think yes! Massive Disney fan right here.

I've already agreed twice to go to Carnival in Rio, the massive 5 day festival full of parades, dress up, partying and A LOT of drinking (sounds perfect right?) South America is so mysterious and exotic; heaven! It sounds stupid but I think exploring the Amazon jungle sounds absolutely amazing and life changing.

Of course there are plenty of other places I want to go but these are my top!


Thursday, 25 April 2013

Make-up wishlist

So if you are reading this and are a girl, there is a chance you might be into make up.

Well hey, so am I and my list of products I want keeps growning and growing! What makes it worse is that my eyes are focused on designer stuff. Stuff I can't afford!

Some things I want:

Yves Saint Laurent Blush

Illamasqua Lipstick (Eurydice)

Lipstick in Eurydice

Lancome Mascara Set

Illamasqua Liquid Eye Liner

Precision Ink in Abyss

MAC Bronzer

And last, the gold at the end of the cosmetic rainbow.

Yves Saint Laurent Lipstick (worth $55!!!)

I want everything Yves Saint Laurent! Absolutely everything! How beautiful is that lipstick? Pure perfection.

Plus heaps more. I'm not even going to add up the total cost just in case I have a heart attack! Yikes!



Lately, everything has been about Instagram. I kept hearing cool, famous You Tubers go on about it which made me feel left out. So I joined in! I got an Instagram (finally) and I get why everyone is so obsessed with it. The way I see it, it's kid of similar to twitter but without the pressure of constantly having to update your status.

I love how you can take really flattering pics of yourself without everyone knowing you're not wearing make-up or haven't slept in days, unlike Facebook where every tagged pic of yourself looks like the living dead. Editing photos is an absolute dream for those of us who don't do photography or have any fancy equipment.

I don't quite understand the whole food pics though. Everyone laughs about how everyone posts photos of their food; yet nearly every second pic was of a croissant or a bowl of cereal.

I'll get the hang of it!

Follow me :)


Also, I"m so new to this whole blogging thing and would love to hear feedback!

Monday, 22 April 2013

Love is all you need

I wish romance was just like it is in Disney movies.

Boy meets girl. Feels attraction. Girl has to overcome some obstacle. They sing various songs. Villain is killed/beaten. Boy and girl realise they are in love and marry.
The End.

It has come to my attention that life isn't quite like this at all. Why is love so complicated? Girls tend to have such a dreamy vision of love (myself included) and it's sad when you meet somewhere where that dream has died.

You dream of the perfect man who treats you like gold and makes you feel so fulfilled and loved. I want this! And I don't want my naive imagination to disappear anytime soon either. Being only 18 years old, i have never really experienced true love and at the moment, I rely on romantic movies and Pride and Prejudice to form my romantic opinions.

Why do some people have such a difficult time with love? There are people who spend their whole lives in and out of bad relationships and dating people who are wrong for them.

So maybe the issue isn't love itself. It's the individuals that form the love.

I don't know.


Sunday, 21 April 2013

The pros and cons of having freckley skin.

If you're like me, you are living in the wrong climate for your skin.

I live in sunny Australia, one of the most beautiful, clean, safe countries in the world. Tasmania isn't as harsh as the mainland weather wise, however the old hole in the ozone layer is directly over us which means skin cancers and wrinkles are our curse, especially for us pale skinned beauties.

I have pale, English skin that freckles after sun burn and turns red when feeling hot and sweaty. In summer, my skin clashes with the weather and it sucks.  I can't just walk outside in a tank top on a hot day. I have to cover up, put on sunscreen and a hat and find any possible shade to hide under, to avoid the dreaded sunburn.

This is what I dream of. London in winter, heaven! Living in England will suit me so well. I have the skin. I will fit in!

However, there are many positives of having pale skin. In winter, it looks beautiful. My skin glows when the weather is cold and winter clothes and colours give my skin a lovely look.

In summer, because I use sunscreen like a lunatic and try to prevent sunburn with all my life, my skin won't age as bad as say, my younger sister who is tan, obsessed with being tan and already has more lines on her forehead than me.

In a world obsessed with tan and brown skin, I don't have the pressure of being tanner than others. I have an excuse not to be tan!

I really do love my skin. I've grown to accept it and embrace the English gene that has been passed on by my mum.

As long as your skin is radiant and healthy, it doesn't matter what the colour is.
Black, white, tan, covered in freckles; what ever.


You know when you are home alone right, and you turn up the music and dance around like an idiot and do hand stands and cartwheels in the lounge because you just can?

I've been doing that a hell of a lot lately.

I think it's really important to be able to entertain yourself when you are either bored or have some free time. Rather than just lie on the couch and watch something on tv, you need to be creative.

Whether it be painting your nails, waxing your legs or singing at your cat (highly recommended), nothing soothes the soul better than curing boredom.

Omg I'm so bored.


Ok, I'm sarting to love this whole blog thing now. I just woke up and rushed out to see how many page views I have!

It's exciting knowing that people are actually reading the shit you post.

And a good morning to you all!


I have a terrible relationship with food.

I love eating. Food is amazing and you should be able to love food without this stupid inner turmoil thing that a lot of girls have and go through on a daily basis. There is always that little voice in my head (let's call him common sense) telling me what is good and healthy to eat and what is bad and fattening.

However, the rest of my brain couldn't give two shits about that voice and craves sugar, like all the time.

With my set meals, I'm very healthy and good. It's all the snacks and treats and desserts that fill up the rest of the day that cause the problem! I just love sugar. My sweet tooth is incredibly powerful and if it's an unatural colour, covered in bits of sugar and has a hint of chocolate then that's it.

You eat and you are in heaven. That part of the brain that makes you eat shit is in bliss and you fill happy and warm. But then it's over. And then what? You look at your tummy and feel awful.

And of course, you get to the end of the day and your guilt rises. But then you think, "I'll start tomorrow. Tomorrow will be different".

Nup, nope, never.

Saturday, 20 April 2013

One other thing...

This site is so much more confusing than I thought it would be.

And I'm getting page views, eeeeep!


My name is Ruby and I come from a tiny little island off Australia called Tasmania.
Not as cold as England but not as hot as say...the rest of the world.
I am 18 years old and am on a gap year before I go to university and begin my adult life. But what to study? Do I do English and persue writing? Or do I study something clinical like psych?
As pretty as it is, Tasmania has very limited opputunities to become super successful. So maybe I will have to leave this place and jet off somewhere else.
This is me. It's kinda old considering now I am more blonde weara bit more make-up. But I think you get the gist.
I wish to blog about all things related to life, especially coming from a girls perspective cause, well, that just makes sense hey?