Thursday 25 April 2013


Lately, everything has been about Instagram. I kept hearing cool, famous You Tubers go on about it which made me feel left out. So I joined in! I got an Instagram (finally) and I get why everyone is so obsessed with it. The way I see it, it's kid of similar to twitter but without the pressure of constantly having to update your status.

I love how you can take really flattering pics of yourself without everyone knowing you're not wearing make-up or haven't slept in days, unlike Facebook where every tagged pic of yourself looks like the living dead. Editing photos is an absolute dream for those of us who don't do photography or have any fancy equipment.

I don't quite understand the whole food pics though. Everyone laughs about how everyone posts photos of their food; yet nearly every second pic was of a croissant or a bowl of cereal.

I'll get the hang of it!

Follow me :)

Also, I"m so new to this whole blogging thing and would love to hear feedback!

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