Sunday 21 April 2013

The pros and cons of having freckley skin.

If you're like me, you are living in the wrong climate for your skin.

I live in sunny Australia, one of the most beautiful, clean, safe countries in the world. Tasmania isn't as harsh as the mainland weather wise, however the old hole in the ozone layer is directly over us which means skin cancers and wrinkles are our curse, especially for us pale skinned beauties.

I have pale, English skin that freckles after sun burn and turns red when feeling hot and sweaty. In summer, my skin clashes with the weather and it sucks.  I can't just walk outside in a tank top on a hot day. I have to cover up, put on sunscreen and a hat and find any possible shade to hide under, to avoid the dreaded sunburn.

This is what I dream of. London in winter, heaven! Living in England will suit me so well. I have the skin. I will fit in!

However, there are many positives of having pale skin. In winter, it looks beautiful. My skin glows when the weather is cold and winter clothes and colours give my skin a lovely look.

In summer, because I use sunscreen like a lunatic and try to prevent sunburn with all my life, my skin won't age as bad as say, my younger sister who is tan, obsessed with being tan and already has more lines on her forehead than me.

In a world obsessed with tan and brown skin, I don't have the pressure of being tanner than others. I have an excuse not to be tan!

I really do love my skin. I've grown to accept it and embrace the English gene that has been passed on by my mum.

As long as your skin is radiant and healthy, it doesn't matter what the colour is.
Black, white, tan, covered in freckles; what ever.

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